Monday, December 20, 2004

More religious horseshit

All this talk of a law to protect faiths from being offended? Pah! What's the point? Religious zealots will always find a way to take these matters into their own hands anyway. Don't like the way Salman Rushdie depicts a key figure of your faith? Issue him a death warrant and force him into hiding! Theo Van Gogh makes a film critical of your religion's attitude to women? Stab him to death in the streets of Amsterdam! Someone writes a play you don't like? Wreck the theatre and issue threats to the writer! It's all so simple isn't it?

In all seriousness though, can somebody explain to me how a religious group seeking the banning of a play that offends them is in anyway different to the Nazis burning books? This may seem like an extreme analogy but ultimately it amounts to the same thing: trampling on free speech in the name of some arbitrary higher purpose. The right to practice your religion does not equal a right to crush any criticism or interpretation of it.

End. Of. Argument.