Sunday, March 13, 2005

If you like NEWSFELCH you'll LOVE. . . .

I have a confession to make.

I have been unfaithful.

It is time to come clean.

I have joined forces with a like minded friend - he shall be known to you as The Realist - to create a brand new blog: Liberal Elite. I shall keep good old NEWSFELCH up and running but the new joint venture will probably be my principal place of blogging activity for the foreseeable future. It's more engaging when you co-write a blog because you each drive the other on. It's a bit like "spotting" someone at the gym. Our competitive streaks will ensure that we try to outsmart or outwit the other and will hopefully lead to a more regularly updated outlet. Our modest initial aim is for there to be at least one new post a day on average between us.

The first post on Liberal Elite is sort of a mission statement outlining what we want it to be, what we're trying to do, etc. This amounts to basically ranting and raving about whatever takes our fancy. We want to address some big issues, respond to news, etc and generally just have fun with the medium. Both the name and the objectives are tongue in cheek.

Anyway, enough of all this. Get yourself over there, add it to your bookmarks and visit every day! Comments are encouraged, nay, mandatory. Let the debates begin!