Monday, November 08, 2004

Various gibberings

Much on my mind today. How can it be Monday again already? What the hell is happening in Fallujah? Why doesn't roll-on deodorant work? What's happened to Arsenal's season? Shall I get a fixed or floating rate mortgage? Where are all these fucking flies coming from? My flat has had loads of them lately. Small little buggers, easy to kill, but they just won't go away. I've even got a spider - Alfred - in my bedroom, with whom I have made a deal: he kills the flies and I don't suck him up the next time I do the hoovering. So far, he hasn't shown much enthusiasm about sticking to his side of the bargain so he could be a goner next time I do some housework. Mind you, if recent performance is in anyway indicative of future behaviour, that might not be until sometime in 2009. Do spiders live that long? I doubt it. Hey, Bush won't be President by then! I could do some celebratory dusting and polishing, then maybe take Alfred out for a pint to celebrate.